Creating Heaven On Earth One Domino At A Time!
Help Tip The Global Domino Summit

Join us as we tip the first five millimeter high domino to create Heaven on Earth! Listen to inspiring voices from all over the world telling how they are creating Heaven on Earth!

Healing Global Trauma Summit

Join us as we interview experts from all over the world about how to heal global trauma. Listen as our experts give diverse and practical solutions on how to address your personal traumas so we can begin to allow for the vision of Heaven on Earth to come into our collective consciousness. 

Finding and Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose Summit

Join us soon as we interview inspiring leaders all over the world who are creating heart-based projects and business with a global impact. Listen in on the key insights on how these change-makers have learned to find and fulfill their life's purpose.

© 2021 Healing Global Trauma Summit is curated by Center For New National Security.